Comfort & Convenience
Economical and Inviting through Intuitive Control
Enjoy a comfortable and inviting home that delivers energy-efficient climate control, convenient management of your pool and spa, and enables easy communication for your family.
Enjoy personalized comfort settings that can be activated on a schedule or with just a few taps on your phone or touch screen.
Integrate your Control4® automation system with your existing HVAC, radiant flooring, forced air, dual fuel and geothermal systems. Adjust climate settings at the thermostat or through the user-interface from a touch screen or smartphone. Allow temperature and humidity to adjust according to the season. Even light the fireplace without ever leaving the couch.

Comfort and convenience extends past interior walls and into your outdoor oasis.
Pool and spa control make it easy to turn on the heat, set the temperature or crank the jets from the Control4 App. Automate your sprinklers and lawn systems to respond to weather conditions.
See who’s at the front door, check in on your sleeping baby, or call everyone to the table for dinner, simply and conveniently.
Video intercom provides incredibly fast connection speed, high-definition clarity and high-quality audio. Replace your doorbell with an elegant door station to see who is at the door without getting off the couch. Unlock the front gate with one tap, right in the same interface.