Safety & Security
Peace of Mind, Home or Away
Check in on things at home from wherever you are. Receive alerts when someone enters the house, the garage door is left open, or a leak is detected in the basement. Intelligent security puts peace of mind at your fingertips so you can rest assured that all is safe.
As elegant as it is effortless, arm or disarm your security system—or even receive immediate emergency assistance—directly from an intuitive user interface on a touchscreen, TV or mobile device. And on your way out, simply press “Away” to set the alarm, engage the cameras and lock all doors.
Easily view and manage locks, or grant or remove access to the house. Receive notification the moment that something isn’t right, such as a pipe leaking in the basement or the garage door left open. Monitor the state of your home, no matter how far away you are, by putting the control in your own hands.
A Mockupancy™ scene will alternate lights and shades—and even televisions—in a random fashion so that your home simulates your family’s activities to make it appear occupied while you're away, providing additional security and added peace of mind.
Using the Control4® App, you can easily monitor cameras that are placed inside or outside of your house. Remotely view live security camera footage straight from your mobile device, and take command of your home, whether you are downstairs or downtown.